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奧米卡・牛油果素 (60粒) OMEGA 9・BLOOD HEALTH (60 capsules) - SKU#9421902430510

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牛油果油含有高含量Omega 9脂肪酸(油酸),對維持正常血壓和血糖水平至關重要。而科學家經動物研究後表示Omega 9脂肪酸很大可能抑制高糖飲食引起的葡萄糖上升和減少胰島素阻抗症的出現。而牛油果油天然含有維他命E和葉黃素,對皮膚和眼睛健康特別重要。 作為營養補充劑ōmekanz™ 牛油果油膠囊有許多的健康功效: • 或有助穩定血壓,血糖,血脂及膽固醇,適合關注三高人士使用 其他益處 • 支持眼睛健康(葉黃素) • 保護皮膚免受紫外線傷害(維他命E) ----------------------------- Avocado oil contains high Omega-9 (Oleic acid) content which plays an essential role in supporting normal blood pressure and healthy cholesterol levels. Animal studies show that Omega-9 may help to inhibit glucose production and reduce insulin resistance induced by high sucrose diet. Avocado oil naturally contains Vitamin E and Lutein, has particular relevance to skin and eye health. Taken as a dietary supplement, ōmekanz™ Avocado Oil Capsules provide many acclaimed health benefits known to: • Help control normal blood pressure • Maintain healthy blood cholesterol • Minimise insulin resistance & support normal blood glucose level Other General Health Benefits • Support eye health (Lutein) • Protect skin from UV damages (Vitamin E)

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